Our Heartbeat

Not sure if you’ve noticed yet… but ‘3D’ is a pretty big deal to us. It’s our name, our mission, our pathway, and our plan. That by the grace of God we will help people just like you to Discover Jesus, Grow in Discipleship and Fulfil your Destiny.

That’s us in a nutshell. That’s the ‘why’ behind what we do. You could rightly say it’s our heartbeat, the 3D pulse that pushes our every action. These two tiny characters (3D) summarise EVERYTHING that we prioritise as a church:

Discover Jesus

At 3D Church, when we refer to ‘Discovering Jesus’ we are not referring to a mere factual exploration of a person from history, rather we are talking about a profoundly personal encounter with the Son of God. Our hope is that you won’t just learn something about Him, but rather that you will be introduced to Him… His life, His love, His humanity, His Divinity – resulting in supernatural life-change. Because that’s what happens when He draws near. Outcasts are accepted. The broken-hearted are restored. The sick find healing. Even the sceptics find faith! To Discover Jesus – is to experience salvation – and to feel and know and receive first-hand, the life-changing love of God.

Grow in Discipleship

At 3D Church, Discipleship is NOT a short-term course to cover the basic tenets of Christianity. Not at all!!! No, to us, Discipleship is living as a life-long student of Christ: learning His ways, obeying His Word, and following His Spirit’s Leading. If ‘Discovering Jesus’ is answering the question “Who is He?”then Discipleship is answering the question, “Who are we?” As a church, as a body of believers, as members of His Family of Faith, how does Christ want us to live as His growing Disciples? At 3D Church, the answer to this question is being “ALL IN,” and the outcome is holistic transformation.

Fulfil your Destiny

Before the foundation of the world, you were on God’s mind. Before you were in your mother’s womb, you were on God’s heart. He foresaw your name, imagined your life, designed your unique giftedness, and then according to the good counsel of His will, He planned a glorious destiny for you. Where you would walk with Him, where you would make your difference, where your story of trials and triumphs, faith and family, overcoming the odds, laughter and love would unfold to the applause of heaven and the benefit of others. That is God’s plan for your life. Your destiny. And we want to help you to fulfil it!

We believe there’s room for you, your family and your future in this 3D vision. Because there’s always more of Jesus to Discover, more Discipleship to grow in, and more Destiny to Fulfil. Always.