We have become His poetry, a re-created people that will fulfil the destiny He has given each of us, for we are joined to Jesus, the Anointed One. Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfil it!
Ephesians 2:10 - The Passion Translation

Discovery - Discipleship - Destiny

Born For More. That’s you! God longs to see your heart fully alive and burning bright. That’s why He made you! Don’t you feel it? You are extraordinary. Treasured. Breathtaking… and deeply loved by God! Which is why He wants to see you find your place of belonging in His family.

We all need community. Jesus knows this well, which is why 2000 years ago He blessed the earth with a Family-on-Fire, called the ‘Ekklesia’ – His called-out ones. A multi-ethnic, one-Spirited, inter-generational tribe whose ethos was love and whose mission was others.

None of us should live life alone. That’s why you need us. And that’s why we’ve been praying and waiting and preparing... for you. Because it’s only together that we can live the 3D Life God intends for us. The life of Discovery, Discipleship & Destiny.

Welcome to 3D Church... we’re so glad you’re here!!!

Join Us For Church!

Because EVERYTHING we do revolves around Discovery, Discipleship & Destiny; and we’re convinced that these 3Ds are best experienced in the context of Family… things look a little different at 3D Church. For this reason, you will find us in one of our synergistic 3D Expressions that we believe best strengthen and support the 3D Life:

3D Church Live

10am Sunday at Cronulla Central (2nd and 4th Sunday of the month)


7pm Wednesdays at NBU Hall (Term Time/No Children's Program)


Brunch & Worship and Watch Parties hosted in Private Homes


See our Watch Page for latest teaching series

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